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New study shows staggering levels of Sexual Harassment, Workplace Discrimination, and Wage Discrepancy for women who work in the music industry.

have experienced sexual harassment at work or at a work event


of women surveyed

have experienced sexual harassment at work or at a work event


of women surveyed

 have experienced some form of discrimination at work


of women surveyed

have been paid less than a man in the same or similar role


of executive positions

in both large & small companies are held by women of color


"I have been repeatedly sexually harassed by my boss with no formal HR in place to approach about the situation."

—  Survey Participant

“ Where do I start about sexism? For example, I’ve had an artist write a song about how he’d like to have sex with me, using my name in the song, and the label released it without my permission.
He is very famous. ”

—  Survey Participant

“ From me being a dumb woman, to my boss needing to add “token blacks” into the bills, to bashing people with mental health issues and LGBTQIA members. What hasn’t happened?”

—  Survey Participant

“ I have considered filing a sexual harassment suit but it happened years ago at this point and I was too scared and embarrassed and shocked to handle it properly when it first occurred. Subsequently, that company I worked at was purchased by a larger conglomerate and another woman actually went to HR (since they now have that resource available but did not when I was working there) about the same employee that I had issues with. She left the company on account of similar behavior. He is still employed there to this day."

—  Survey Participant

The Survey

      Low Profile conducted a survey of women who work in the music industry in May 2019. The purpose was to collect data about gender-related bias in the industry, salary, and discrimination along with evaluating frequency in acts of sexual harassment. The survey was distributed through professional and social channels to over 1,000 men and women around the world who work in the music industry and that group was invited to share the survey with their network. However, due to the low response rate and small sample size of men, this analysis focuses entirely on women’s responses to the survey.

        The survey received over 250 responses from women around the world, but we decided only to focus on a surveyed population of 151 US-based women who currently work full time in the music industry.

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All Salaries


All Pull Quotes

Survey Quotes

About Experiencing Sexual harassment 

  • sexual harassment, too many instances to name. 

  • Yes many times but most significantly in 2006 I accused an employer of sexual harassment. After an investigation it was determined they I was in the right and they apologized. I was fired soon afterwards because of the situation. They kept their job. 

  • I have been repeatedly sexually harassed by my boss with no formal HR in place to approach about the situation. 

  • yes, i am currently in a sexual harrassment investigation with my boss

  • Where do I start? I couldn't possibly list even a fraction of the BS I've encountered. In my case it's been primarily sexual harassment and misogyny

  • When I was freelancing as a Coordinator and then a Music Supervisor I repeatedly discovered that the men in similar roles were making almost two times as much as me. It is part of why I switched over into Publishing, even though I genuinely miss creative. It simply paid more money. Also, more importantly, I was let go from a company after I rejected an executive's constant romantic advances. I went on a date with him when I first started working there but quickly realized that I did not have any interest in him and told him as much. He resented me forever thereafter and continually tried to bully me, humiliate me, turn other colleagues against me and eventually got me fired (even though my work didn't suffer in any way and I had been there for 4 years.) This particular company had a deeply entrenched "boy's club" so it was not altogether surprising that this happened to me. The Head of Post would regularly pull me into his office to ask me who I thought was most attractive at the company and to inform me that the men regularly "voted" that I was the most desirable employee. It was nauseating and stupid and so fucking awful. The man that got me fired has since apologized repeatedly but it turned my life upside down for a period of time that I don't think I have fully recovered from. I was out of work for almost 4 months and was not in a financial place to be prepared to handle that. I couldn't pay my bills and had to move out of my apartment. I went into a horrific depression and quite honestly barely made it out alive, without the assistance of therapy. I still suffer from anxiety and the assumption that something similar could happen to me once again, despite the merits of my work ethic. I am also extremely humiliated because I was never afforded the opportunity to provide my side of the story. The men surrounding this person rallied in his support and hung me out to dry. I have considered filing a sexual harassment suit but it happened years ago at this point and I was too scared and embarrassed and shocked to handle it properly when it first occurred. Subsequently, that company I worked at was purchased by a larger conglomerate and another woman actually went to HR (since they now have that resource available but did not when I was working there) about the same employee that I had issues with. She left the company on account of similar behavior. He is still employed there to this day.

  •  I’m aware of my coworkers being harassed and not being treated properly afterwards when at conferences 

  • Yes - at a work event. My co-worker got very drunk and squeezed my ass.

  • informally talked about it to my boss and nothing was done

  • Yes sexual harassment that I didn’t report. wouldn't call it fear. More so understanding that it comes with the territory. I reconcile this by very clearly shutting down advances and getting back to business.

  • I did report an incident and I did feel punished for doing so

  • I have not reported but not out of fear really more out of acceptance that this was the industry and how it worked.

  • I had a male supervisor give me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek as a thank you for doing a good job once. I wouldn't really contextualize it as sexual harassment because I know he didn't mean anything by it, but it was still mildly annoying considering I wasn't expecting it and I know he wouldn't have done that to a male employee.

  • I have both gender discrimination and versions of sexual harassment 

  • Not current as I run an all women identifying office place but historically - yes there were others aware of sexual harassment happening in the office. It was endemic.


About Gender Discrimination

  • Of course.  What female hasn't?. 

  • Gender. My branch/office was closed and both females were laid off. Only person kept on was an inexperienced male. I was replaced by a male with less experience.

being paid over 50% less than my male colleagues 

  • Yes. Where do I start about sexism. For example,  I've had an artist write a song about how he'd like to have sex with me, using my name in the song, and the label released it without my permission. He is very famous. 

  • yes, both gender + age based, but too much to type out here. it's hard being a young woman working with a bunch of touring dudes, and it's hard being a woman in general in a male-dominated industry (duh).

  • Age and gender every day. People think im the assistant 

  • General boys club not getting a seat at the table sort of stuff

  • Derogatory comments related to my ethnicity has been thrown my way during artist meetings ("You're not a real Latina"); passed over for project opportunities in favor of a male colleague; etc.

  • I have been discriminated against for being a woman and being young countless times. I don't even know where to begin. 

  • Yes, race and gender combined but it was dealt with

  • Yes, Gender

  • more so at external work events and with male colleagues I collaborate with outside of my immediate company who have reacted with hostility to me/my work

  • I constantly feel undermined by male colleagues because of my gender and  have always had to fight for my voice to be heard, even when I'm in a position of power or authority  

  • Yes. People often assume I'm an assistant, not an attorney.

  • i was the only woman and held multiple leadership roles. we hired men to alleviate some of the work and then it immediately became a boys' club and i became kept out of meetings etc with partners that i had formed relationships with

  • There was a male licensing coordinator who had expressed interest in exploring a career in creative publishing and the company transitioned him into a creative coordinator role within a year or so. I expressed a similar interest not long after, and was allowed to start booking writes and working with songwriters in my spare time, which I've been doing for the past year. The company has not offered me an opportunity to transition into a creative coordinator position though. In fact, our president all but said that there would be no room for me to grow into a position like that within this company in the foreseeable future. If he'd been a harder worker or better suited for a creative coordinator position, I wouldn't think twice about it, but I'm a damn hard worker and have proved time and time again that I've got an ear for a good song. I'm not one to read into things like that, but I won't lie and say that I've never wondered whether it happened (or didn't happen in my case) because he is a man and I am a woman.

  • Yes, in a board room I was the only woman and sexist comments about young girls kept flying around 

  • Yes, I was told I would have kept a job if I was a man. I was told as women we should be wearing tighter clothes and more makeup 

  • I was told to be silent on an important call because I was the only female (and the youngest by about 15 years) and my boss didn't want the men in the meeting to know I was on the line and for them to have to "sensor themselves." I don't work there anymore.

  • Yes. I was not hired because I was a female and I've had to take unpaid time off for a very important religious holiday because it's not a Christian holiday

  • Yes, all kinds. Every single one. From me being a dumb woman to my boss needing to add "token blacks" into the bills to bashing people with mental health issues and lgbtqia members. What hasn't happened. 

  • Many times - most being spoken over by men, men taking credit for my ideas and being treated like a secretary even when I am equal partner

  • Yes, being overlooked for positions or not taken seriously or not taken into consideration 

  • Yes, being paid less and being passed up for gigs because of my gender plus being condescended to

  • I found out a man working in my department who had only been there for 8 months was making 50% more money than I was, after being at the same company for three years. His superiority to me was in title only; we were handling the same amount of work and responsibility. 

  • Not at this job, but my previous job was definitely a boys club in terms of A&R and scouting.

  • Yes Yes Yes

  • "Being called ‘difficult’ after discussing issues with my boss - the same issues as my male colleagues who received no comments. 

  • Being told I look ‘ditsy’ on my website bio photo because I was a blonde female."

  • It's just a constant lack of recognition because of being female. I am more experienced than my current boss. I don't mind teaching him as we go along, i do mind not being compensated for it. 

  • I was asking for my first salary increase a year into my job and I had a very good case to present to my boss (I had received a good report during my yearly evaluation, had worked very hard throughout the year and recently discovered my male counterpart was earning a lot more). I was asked what I would do if I didn't get what I wanted and I said it would be very sad because I really loved the job but I would start to look elsewhere. The response I got was that I would find it difficult to find a new job because I wasn't a native speaker of the country I lived in and that my boyfriend (who coincidently works in another dept at the same office) would find it easier to find a new job so he should be the one to leave if it was between the two of us (?!). Needless to say I shut that conversation down completely by saying I wasn't clear on why we were discussing another colleague from a different team during my salary negotiations. In the end I got 100euros less than what I wanted but I stayed at the job. 

  • gender > exclusion from important decisions > being ignored > 

  • Yes. One person in my department discriminated against me for being a woman & made me feel inferior to him. 

  • Yes, comments around gender, pregnancy, age/objectification of women all felt discriminatory 

  • I believe I have - I was paid less than my white male counterpart. He was taken on more client outings, involved in more meetings/calls and did extracurricular activities with the bosses which I and the other women were not invited to.

  • Yes. Where i work is nothing less than a boys club and when opportunity becomes available they either hire from outside the company or give it to a male. 

  • Gender - a few months ago I found out that my male counterpart was making roughly 50% more than me. I confronted my boss about it and have since received a significant raise. Our salaries are now comparable but it would have taken me years to get to this level despite asking for raises several times throughout my employment. 

  • Yes - was told that a production manager position was a "man's job" and I should find another job.

  • Yes - gender discrimination and age

  • Not entirely sure if I have - I do feel like I have to work harder to be taken seriously due to looking younger and covering entry-level duties alongside my higher level projects - 

  • Yes, as both a woman and a minority. I have watched many of my less qualified coworkers receive unearned promotions and have been told I am never getting one because my boss wants to keep me as his assistant. 

  • Yes, in a meeting with a client and the client would ignore me and speak to my junior associate (a man) even though I was in charge of his catalog. 

  • YES. At a former job I was constantly admonished for my "bad attitude," when I was consistently more friendly & easier to work with than the others in my role (all male). I didn't receive a raise in 4 years despite wildly exceeding performance expectations & my predecessor's performance (based on measurable metrics) and was told it was do to my "attitude."

  • Yes - my manager brought a personal / none work related issue to the office and tried to make a scene of it to make me look bad. He got fired. 

  • yes, was laid off from a job because of my gender. (team was too "female heavy")

  • Potentially gender and race, although only speculative

  • yes, I was the only woman in the office so cleaning up became part of my duties

  • Yes - I've been called "hun" or "babe," I've been belittled and spoken over, I've been interrupted and left out of meetings or calls, I've been literally ignored in a line of other executives, and I've been groped in a room full of men.

  • Yes, race and gender, especially after becoming a parent

  • I don't think my gender has ever prevented me from being hired, but as somebody who works in a sector of festival production that skews almost 99% male, I'm always having to put up with minor annoyances that men wouldn't have to deal with. Guys calling me "honey", "darlin", "sweetie", etc., guys apologizing for using foul language in front of me (as if I haven't heard it all before), guys touching / hugging me for no real reason, and so on. The men on the teams I work with are generally always fine, it's usually outside people from other companies or departments who treat me that way. For example, I just got off a gig in Tampa where I was the person charged with driving and parking all the heavy machinery (consisting of 17 forklifts of varying sizes) but I still had to deal with a cop who insinuated I didn't know how to drive our site truck because I asked him to be my spotter while executing a 3-point turn in a golf cart lane. There was also a guy who saw me parking a golf cart next to my office trailer, probably assumed I was just some chick working in hospitality, asked for a lift to the box office, and proceeded to give me step-by-step directions when I'd already been working on site for the past ~10 days and knew exactly where everything was... In short, I wouldn't really say that I've had to deal with any overt discrimination (that I'm aware of), but the microaggressions are real and they are pretty constant in my line of work.

  • Yes- during a new transition my male boss allowed the newly added partner to insinuate that I have a reputation of sleeping around at a company dinner... I've been with my FIANCE for 3 1/2 years. Not really my thing and even if it was, don't ostracize me for it. 

  • Yes, men often talk down to me. They often act like I am not able to do my job as well as they might be able to. I was also asked by my boss in my job interview how old I was and am often judged for my age.

  • Just in the way I’m talked to, like being ‘too emotional’ about a situation. Also being shafted from the ‘boys club’.

  • gender- making less money than a man or men in my role

  • Yes. Gender - Pay equity - Being listened to - being taken "seriously"

  • Yes, hundreds 

  • too many to say here based on skin colour, social background, gender, appearance

  • Gender; been told I'm aggressive several times undeservingly, would not have been the case for a man

  • Yes. I am paid likely close to half of my (older) male counterparts in the same role but in different offices - although my office is one of the most successful. My company definitely has a “boys club” environment in upper management and I am often not included in decisions regarding staff and those that effect my own office (that I am “in charge” of running) I have been forced to insist on being included in decisions that effect my own office. I also have had to learn other aspects of navigating a predominantly male company - from unwanted male attention from a coworker, to completely inappropriate language about me/women in general from male coworkers, to having to constantly remain “calm” and “nice” to avoid coming off as a bitch. I feel I am unable to be direct with my team, as a man would be able to be, because I manage all men....and their fragile male egos. I am constantly being reminded of my age, which I feel is a veiled way of saying “it’s surprising that someone would let a young woman be in charge” I have also witnessed male counterparts get away with extremely poor performances, something I know I would not be afforded due to being a young woman and constantly needing to prove myself. 

  • Yes. Previous jobs when I was much younger. The male bosses regularly made sexual remarks to me and would also make sexual advances.  

  • yes, if I speak in the same way as my male colleagues they get offended, defensive, aggressive. 

  • Yes, gender - men being promoted unfairly 

  • Constantly asked if i need help, or if i make my own tunes

  • yes. usually gendered, and age, from older male bosses, being patronising mostly. not taking your opinions / insights / work seriously. openly belittling in the office in front of other colleagues. talking over me, not listening.

  • Mostly subtle things - sexist comments in our work chat (not directly towards me), getting paid less than my male counterpart who works fewer hours  (currently!), being held to different standards than male employees

  • I had tons of remarks on clothes, on my breasts, nothing too bad fortunately.. (and also I tend to forget haha)

  • Yes! Every single day. A lot of sexually aggressive jokes centered around my ability to do my job because of my gender. Being told I can’t do my job because of my gender, I’m too you g to be considered for xyz kind of work achievement...

  • Gender - I was chastised for my direct communication style while male coworkers were praised for it.

  • Gender, preferiential treatment towards male staff 

  • mostly it's getting paid less than male co-workers who are less experienced than me. 

  • Simply not considered for promotion

  • Yes. A man was undermining a woman working in another department, very aggressively asserted himself over her and was telling her how to do her job.  There were other instances of him being physically forward with other women members of staff (ie hugging, being in close proximity of them etc.). He was 25 years old (in 2018) and I had to manage the investigation. MD came to conclusion to let him go as he was within his probationary period (6 months) and found that he had committed gross misconduct. Personally I also feel that I have a difficult time gaining respect from male coworkers due to aspects such as being short, blonde and an European immigrant but I do not have any proof that this contributes, it may also just be classic misogyny. 

  • Nothing major, just general low level sexism and age discrimination

  • Not discrimination, but I've often felt as though my age and gender has negatively affected a situation in work.

  • Every day. Everyday sexism - from being expected to take over secretarial work to not being taken serious, to being RIDICULOUSLY underpaid and unappreciated, to being expected to sit here smiling or being called out for an "attitude" god forbid I'm upset about anything at all (usually a man being an absolute entitled dick)

  • Not being listened to by bosses in the same way as male colleagues

  • Yes, based on age and gender

  • Yes. Too many tines to count. Most recently discrimination when sitting on the board of a trade body - raised with HR, situation dealt with but not brilliantly. 

  • Yes, used to be a tour manager. Faced loads of gender discrimination while doing that job, mostly by promoters/venue staff.

  • My male boss doesn’t include me or work with me in the same way he works with men at my level, it’s a boys club

  • a band I represent turn to my male partner when talking about future plans; some of his artists see me as his secretary


Having to ask for raises

  • Had to ask and was ignored. Office/branch was closed 6 weeks later.

  • 2 years ago. Everyone at the company received the same raise. I'm underpaid at my current position and have been refused a raise since. I've asked for raises within reason and have been met with a lot of resistance. Currently looking for a new position as I've been told directly that I will not be receiving a raise for at least the next 3 years.

  • A year ago when I switched jobs. I asked for a raise and promotion at my last company, felt it was more than deserved (I was the highest revenue-producer in the department and made the least), and was denied. So, I left. After I left, my old company hired a man to replace me at a higher level and presumably, a higher salary.

  • Last year; cost of living raise. I ask my boss every year for a raise and/or title change with supporting material and am denied due to a) budget and b)if I receive a title change it will cause problems with another coworker who wants a title change as well but isn't deserving of it.

  • 2 years ago, stepping into higher position to succeed boss. Met with strong resistance in my negotiations asking for what I knew to be fair market rate

  • 2011 - I had to ask for it. Also, I had to ask for maternity leave and the owner would only pay me 3 weeks out of the 6 weeks I desperately needed to take off.

  • I had to ask and provide a full outline of my duties/responsibilities etc and then it had to be reviewed by the board

  • 2 years ago, I asked and was met with resistance

  • I asked for a raise for 4 years in a row and was turned down each year, despite glowing reviews and praises

  • I always had to ask for my raises, since starting in 2015 I have asked for and received 3 pay rises although one was actually just by moving company and job.

  • I asked for a raise at my first job at a talent agency, it was not fulfilled after 2.5 years in the same position. I negotiated my salary up a bit at my current job, but was not able to get it past $35,000

  • December 2018, it was in my yearly review, I had to ask for it to be considered. I was met with resistance and only given a portion of what I asked for

  • I haven't had a raise at my current job, but I've been here less than a year. At my last one I had to ask for a raise very aggressively. I showed up with data about how I directly impacted the bottom line of the company in a very positive way. It was definitely a negotiation, but I did get close to what I wanted.

  • Last year. Boss came to me but I had to ask for the amount I wanted. Met with some resistance but willingness to negotiate.

  • My last raise didn't happen because I "took too much time off" spending time with my mom as she went through a double mastectomy which is bullshit cause I worked in the hospital and was owed over 100 hours of pay

  • I had to ask, it was super small and was 6%. Worked out to be about $100 a month.

  • January, had to ask for promotion, no salary negotiation or conditions possible

  • I asked them to match the salary of my male counterpart and they refused so I quit.

  • I have never been offered a raise. I will be asking for one soon..

  • DEC 2019, I had to go to them and ask (several times). I was met with some resistance and then given an excuse as to why they weren't able to provide me with the amount i requested

  • Has to ask and yes, I was met with resistance.

  • The last time I asked for a raise I was turned down. My raise before this was 18 months ago.

  • Had to ask, met with resistance

  • Had to ask- had another job offer. Extreme resistance from boss & HR

  • EOY, annual raises but still had to ask, not quite as much as hoping

  • Had to ask after taking on additional work

  • I had been there 2 years and a new intern was being promoted to full time and would be making more than I would as a receptionist so they had no choice but to give me a raise because I had been there for 2 years and he had been there for 2 months.

  • When I worked full-time at AEG Live from 2012-2013 I asked to be considered for a promotion and a subsequent raise. I had gradually been taking on more and more responsibility and felt that it was time for the company to recognize my achievements and invest in what little education I would need to graduate from Marketing Assistant to Marketing Manager (because honestly, I was already a Marketing Manager in everything but name.) My boss told me he would take it under consideration and promised to keep me in the loop, then quietly had me fired and replaced by my intern so he could free up part of my salary for the Marketing Manager he wanted to bring in.

  • it was very awkward to say the least... the number presented was higher than what I was given. They were scared I was going to leave the company and told me i'd be given a "substantial, life changing raise". That did not happen at all.

  • About 2 months ago. I think it was just an adjustment to all salaries for everyone. My boss came to me to try to give me a raise but I turned it down because it was too much pressure. More money meant more responsibilities and accountabilities. I did not feel comfortable with that. He respected my decision and gave me however much I wanted (salary+commission).

Next Steps

Next Steps


by Aaron Rose, Corporate Inclusion Expert


Recommendations & Resources
You’re ready to make a change. But where do you start? The following list provides multiple entry points for creating gender equality in your workplace, your industry, and your life. While investing in customized strategic plans is important, what matters most right now is that you simply begin. Start now, where you are. Shift the dynamic of secrecy and delay by naming the problem out loud, and taking action to address
low-hanging-f ruit.

Inclusive culture is built moment by moment.
No matter how systemic a problem, inequality is still created and reinforced by the everyday decisions of everyday people. A mildly demeaning comment about women from a male colleague may feel like “not a big deal” or “just a joke,” especially if no women were present. However, these “small” moments add up and contribute to hostile work environments and biased decisions around hiring and compensation. Practice shifting the dynamic, by asking someone Bystander intervention training and conscious culture design consulting (see below) can help you learn how to interrupt unconscious bias in a way that still feels authentic to you. If you see something, say something.

Audit salaries and close the pay gap between men and women.
Audit salaries, note where people are being paid differently for the same job, and make a plan to close the gap. Salesforce has led the way in showing how to close the pay gap. Salesforce completed a full audit that revealed massive disparities between men’s and women’s salaries, and leadership committed $6 million over several years to balance it out. No matter how limited your resources feel, this change is a must.


Ensure that women are always at the table.
Salesforce has also modeled another simple but powerful guideline for shifting gender inequality: no meeting should happen unless 30% of the participants are women. Other cultural shifts that ensure women are not being excluded from leadership and growth include: rotating note-taking in meetings to interrupt the default assumption that women do that work, giving parental leave for people of all genders, and creating lactation spaces in the office.


Know that unconscious bias leads to unequal assessment of women’s merit.
When assessing your pay gap, you may encounter moments of resistance where a man seems more qualified, or is more of a team player, or has a longer history with the company. Understand that culturally-reinforced unconscious bias towards women leads to “fundamental attribution error.” This is the tendency for people to over-emphasise personality-based explanations for some people’s behavior while under-emphasising situational explanations. For example: “Marcia was late again today, she really is such a slacker these days” (emphasizing a personality trait). Versus: “Yes, Joseph was late today, but he’s having a hard time with his kid being sick” (emphasizing situational explanation).


Remember that not all women have the same experience.
Kimberlé Crenshaw’s concept of intersectionality reminds us that we all have many different identities. She shines a light on the experience of black women in the workplace, who deal with not only sexism, but also racism. This is reflected in pay gap statistics that show black women earning 63 cents for every dollar a man earns doing the same job, whereas white women earn about 80 cents. Particular care must be taken in ensuring that gender equality work truly serves all women, not simply white women.


Create a comprehensive strategic plan.
Every organization is different. Take the time to identify your specific growth areas and commit to change over time. Seek the support of professionals to guide this process.


Take inspiration and guidance from other industries.
Other industries, such as tech and film, have already started their gender equality overhauls. A quick google brings up many case studies that can support your work.

Invest in culture design consulting.
Hiring and promoting more women of all backgrounds will not create a truly equal workplace unless the day-to-day culture is truly welcoming to women. Most companies have powerfully articulated values, such as being a team player, acting like a family, and ensuring the best idea wins. But how do people actually speak to each other in your workplace? When conflict occurs, is it handled passively or explosively? Whose ideas are prioritized? What kind of people seem to stay, and who seems to leave quickly?
A conscious culture design process allows you to close the gap between your values and your lived experience at work.

Hold diversity & inclusion trainings at consistent intervals.
Diversity & inclusion training and storytelling is a crucial part of creating gender equality. Research shows that a non-mandatory, regularly scheduled, and blame- and shame-free approach creates the most lasting change. Trainings are not punitive sentences; they should invitations to grow and learn together. Making conversations about identity and culture regular parts of the monthly or yearly schedule ensures that it becomes a normal part of culture, rather than being perceived as a one-time attempt to fix or erase a problem. Focus on starting the conversation, and not letting it die out after one or two attempts.


Understand that inequality hurts men too.
Institutionalized gender equality, also known as the patriarchy, harms us all. As a man, even if you have never assaulted a woman or made a biased hiring decision, you have still witnessed. Furthermore, the rigid mainstream gender expectations placed on men and women force men to curtail their emotional expression, take on excessive responsibility, and limit their authentic connection with people of all genders. Change starts internally, within each of us. If you are a man, take the time to look into organizations for peer-to- peer male support, such as Evryman and Sacred Sons. They create experiences for men to shed the pain of their past, reimagine what being a powerful man means today, and build supportive masculine community.

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